Logo & Identity Rebrand | Soma Venice
Soma Venice is a church located in Venice, CA which planted in March 2020. I designed the original logo and brand identity ahead of that launch, and Soma Venice used those designs for over two years. I continued to make social media graphics and marketing materials for the church throughout the pandemic, helping to maintain a digital presence while it was difficult to have much of a physical presence.

In August 2022, after over two years of meeting outside in Oakwood Park, Soma Venice was able to transition to meeting indoors at the Bible Tabernacle in Venice. With this transition came an opportunity to relaunch the church and overhaul the visual identity to more appropriately align with the changing direction of the church. Soma Venice went through a number of theological refinements over the previous two years and had, as a result, begun to lean more on traditional Reformed practices and beliefs. This connection to more traditional, established Christianity provided the opportunity to tie the visual identity to that heritage. See below for the logo and the broader identity; I'd really appreciate any feedback!
I designed postcards and business cards to pass out around Venice to announce the relaunch of the church, along with some waypoint signage for the streets around the Bible Tabernacle.
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